Homeschool Buyers Coop
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Homeschooling's #1 Way to Save |
Howdy! I hope you are all having a great day! I just recently posted our curriculum choices for this year so if you are interested in seeing what we are using click on the curriculum link above.
This is how it works: School districts have purchasing power when buying curriculum and homeschooling families DO NOT since we buy items as individuals. Brett has created a homeschool co-op so that homeschooling families can also have access to affordable curriculum reasonably priced with discounts ... DEEP discounts at times. Membership to this co-op gives us even more purchasing power! So why not join and then let the world know!!! LOL!
The Homeschool Buyer Co-op is a free homeschooling organization for both new and veteran homeschoolers. Co-op membership is free and confidential, and entitles homeschooling families to discounts from hundreds of educational suppliers. The Co-op also sponsors "Group Buys" for curriculum packages that can save homerschooling families lots of money. On the site you'll find lots of free information, such as databases of free curriculum, field trips, and educational contests and scholarships.
Click here for more information.
Free Membership Includes:
Exclusive Discounts from Suppliers
Group Buy Discounts
Free Homeschool ID Cards
Free Homeschool Resources
Free Classifieds
Smart Points and the Reward Center
You can find out how to earn Smart Points and what you can do with them by clicking the links above. Make sure you read all the terms so that you understand the process well. I purchased my husband's promotion books through a company listed under the Smart Points Get Em' tab - scroll down to the bottom. I was awarded Smart Points and they were used for a recent Art purchase. I definitely plan on utilizing this feature around Christmas time. Last year I purchased most of my gifts online ... because I just don't like crowed areas and the seasonal shopping attitudes. This year I can do the same thing and receive Smart Points for purchasing items from popular shops I already use.
You REALLY SHOULD check it out soon! Right now, they have some pretty amazing deals including but not limited to:
1.) Rosetta Stone until August 11th, 2011
2.) Family Time Fitness until Aug. 29th, 2011.
3.) Little Passports until August 17th, 2011
4.) ABC Teach August 29th, 2011
5.) Math Mammoth until August 22nd, 2011
6.) IXL Math
7.) Let's Go Learn DORA and DOMA
8.) Atelier Art until August 2nd, 2011
9.) Intellego Unit Studies K-8th Grade
10.) Discovery Education Plus
11.) Teacher File Box until August 31st, 2011
12.) Explode the Code Online
13.) Click N Read Phonics (Lifetime)
14.) Home School in the Woods
Others offers posted include companies such as BJU Press, Alpha Omega, Brain Pop, Critical Thinking Company, Simply Music, Door Posts, etc. You know that you are already drooling - so just go and see what I mean for yourself. Click on the logo or link above. It doesn't hurt to look ... mull it over and decide for yourself but if your interested in one of the time sensitive discounts above join before the deals end. There is no guarantee that deals will be back at another time. Certain curriculum offers have expiration dates while others are ongoing (for now).
Possible Offers Coming Soon
1.) Reading Eggs
This deal will be super sweet and save you a bundle! Alyssa absolutely LOVES this website. She enjoys earning eggs and their cute critters. I purchased my subscription from the actual company in February. I wish I had known this deal was coming! I can't transfer or extend Alyssa's progress or subscription otherwise I would jump on this deal in a heart beat. I tried the two week trial to see if Alyssa would be interested in this program ... and she was.
2.) Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett
They are currently working on an agreement to launch this one in possibly a couple of weeks. Be on the look out!
Those programs are just the ones that I am interested in ... YOU should see if they have any deals listed for your child's age group.
After we purchased Rosetta Stone for the family we used those Smart Points and ones I had saved up from previous purchases to buy Meet the Masters. This may not be available anymore but you can always ask the HSBC or make a curriculum suggestion to them. I make suggestions all the time! I only paid a service fee of $1.95 for their time and service to set-up the account. Meet the Masters is a 3 year online art curriculum and I am super excited about trying it with Alyssa. We have made several other purchases from the HSBC including the Right Start Math curriculum and Explode the Code online to name a few. Alyssa enjoys the online Explode the Code subscription and I can track her progress to learn how to meet her needs better. We both love the math program and I am happy to say that she is not stuck doing seat work all day. The math curriculum teaches mental math and we play lots of games to practice concepts. I am blessed to have found this co-op. It was easy, secure, and safe! I hope to one day purchase Discovery Education Plus from them ... but just can't afford it right now.
Disclosure: I will earn Smart Points if you join through my blog ... that gives us the opportunity to purchase additional curriculum for Alyssa next year. You are also awarded 100 points just for joining. So if you decide to think it over please return and join through my links. I would really appreciate it and of course there is no obligation to join. I won't know who joined and who didn't unless you personally tell me. Thank you so so much! Have a great day!
Thank you,
Tracey M.
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