Monday, May 26, 2014

Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue Review and Giveaway

Are you looking for a character program for younger children? Many parents want to instruct their child with the right tools to become good citizens with Godly character especially in today's world. I have a strong desire to raise my daughter to be a virtuous woman with good character. I started teaching Alyssa about character qualities at a very young age, because I believe children learn a tremendous amount the first five years of their life. As a parent, I also understand that it is my responsibility to teach, raise, and disciple my child using the Bible if that is my wish. It was a blessing and privilege to review Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue written by Kathie Morrissey, the owner of The Character Corner. The Character Corner offers character, purity, courtship, and parenting products. Kathie's well organized curriculum will help your children develop and grow Godly character traits.
Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue is a character curriculum containing scripture-based weekly lessons. You'll receive a 121-page curriculum book giving you at least 6 months worth of planned character training lessons if you teach one character quality five days a week. You can easily extend the lessons if desired. However, extensions are not necessary. The curriculum is designed to be used with preschool and early elementary aged children between the ages of 4-8. It addresses 24 character qualities focusing on one character trait per week. Bible verses related to the character quality are memorized. Each weekly lesson is arranged to be done on a daily basis with minimal prep for approximately 5-10 minutes.

Each lesson follows a similar format which helps your child become familiar with the lesson routine. The weekly curriculum lessons emphasize the definition of one character quality or trait, a related referenced Bible memory verse, three "I Will" statements to commit to their hearts, and a specific prayer. Adaptable object lessons, games, and role play activities are also integrated into the lessons. Alyssa really liked the "Attentiveness" and "Mama Says" games. Little did she know, we always play the "attentiveness" game but I never called it that.

The author recommends that you consistently review older material at least once a week to keep it fresh in their minds. She also encourages you to develop creative ways to make learning memory verses more fun by using motions, drawings, or different intonations. You can also view a sample lesson.

The curriculum consists of acknowledgements, an introduction, lesson instructions, a resource and materials list, color pages, "Something to Crow About" reward chart, and character ribbon badges in addition to the weekly lessons. Most of the materials used for the hands-on object lessons were easily found at home. The acknowledgement list gives other resources credit for ideas utilized. This list also contains website links with additional activity enrichment ideas.

Furthermore, optional manuscript copywork is available for elementary children. The copywork correlates with the curriculum. Your child will have the opportunity to copy the definition, Bible verse, and the three "I Will" statements. The pages reinforce the character quality being taught while your child practices good penmanship skills. If the lines are too small for your older elementary children, then you can always use a lined paper of your choice with or without the dotted help lines.

Character Traits Covered
  • Attentiveness
  • Contentment
  • Courage 
  • Deference
  • Diligence
  • Faithfulness
  • Forgiveness
  • Gratitude
  • Helpfulness
  • Humility
  • Initiative
  • Joyfulness
  • Kindness
  • Love
  • Loyalty 
  • Obedience
  • Orderliness
  • Perseverance
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Self Control
  • Truthfulness
  • Virtue
  • Wisdom
How We Used The Curriculum Bundle
I must say . . . thanks to the idea of a fellow reviewer on the team, I decided to downloaded the PDF file of the main curriculum book to iBooks on my iPad instead of printing the pages. This made the lessons portable and saved money on ink cost. You can also read the lessons on your computer which is extremely helpful.

I followed the weekly lessons as intended. My six-year-old daughter loved completing the copywork sentences and looked forward to her daily lessons. I asked her to complete one copywork page each day. We could easily complete two pages on busier days. The coloring page was completed on the first day. Alyssa strived to memorize the material before the fifth day and in most cases met that challenge. On many occasions, we would sing the information to be memorized by using familiar tune.

Funny story . . . one day while completing household duties I caught her reciting (singing) the definition, Bible verse, and "I Will" statements in the shower. I was surprised yet thrilled to find out that the curriculum did indeed inspire her to remember what she was learning and hide God's Word in her heart. She was definitely motivated by the ribbon badges too! She felt successful when she accomplished her memorization goals. I really appreciate that the author focused on the character trait opposites while introducing the definition. This helps children understand the meaning of the trait better.

A Glance at Our Weekly Schedule
Day 1
Introduce the definition and scripture memory verse. Color the character quality page and complete the definition copywork page. End with prayer.

Day 2
The beginning of each day begins with a review of what was previously learned. Review definition and memory verse. Introduce the "I Will" statements. Complete the Bible verse copywork page and end the lesson with a prayer.

Day 3
Review definition, memory verse, and "I Will" statements. Introduce any role play scenarios, object lessons, or play games. End with a specific prayer relating to the trait.
Contentment: Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
Alyssa said, "Half-full." 
We modified the following fort building "Courage vs. Foolishness" game by using a Disney playhut we already owned. She didn't have an interest in building a fort, but I bet many younger children would. Statements were read aloud. Alyssa made a decision as to whether they revealed foolishness (lack of courage) or if they showed courage.
(Hiding Behind the Hut)
Looking Ahead: I can't wait to do the object lesson with the egg on Day 4 when discussing forgiveness!

Day 4
Review all information once again. Continue playing games or read books if stated. Complete any new role play activities. Another daily copywork section is completed.

Day 5
The final section of copywork is completed on this day. Review and receive ribbon badge to display on reward chart for memorized concepts. You can store the previously earned badges, but we chose to display them all at once. One of the reviewers created a memorization chart that I hope to make soon! Visit Karen's Tots and Me Facebook page to see her awesome chart creation!

What We Liked
  • Affordability
  • Scripture-Based
  • Simplicity
  • Minimal Preparation
  • Object Lessons and Games
  • Quick Lessons
  • Well-Organized Weekly Lesson Plans
Possible Improvements
One problem I ran into was with regards to the games that required more than one player such as "David, David, Goliath" which is played like "Duck, Duck, Goose." I wish there were alternative suggestions for those of us teaching only one child, but you can easily adapt the activity to your circumstances. Further into the curriculum, activities such as the Gratitude Circle and the Joyful Bean Bag Toss will be slightly modified for two people. We'll just toss the bean bag bag and forth several times. With that being said, we are thoroughly enjoying and will definitely continue using this curriculum! I have noticed a difference in Alyssa's attitude and have seen her apply the information learned to her life.

Possible Vendor Suggestions
  • Character Trait Book List
  • Prayer Journal
  • Prayer Copywork
  • Different Colored Ribbon Badges With Colorful Matching Certificates
  • Cut and Paste Bible Verse Printables
  • Scripture Charts or Posters
  • Definition Word Study Notebooking Sheets and Vocabulary Games
  • Long Term Review Suggestions 
  • Cursive Copywork Option
  • Would love to see another book covering additional character qualities in the future! 
Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue Ebook $9
Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue Copywork (57 Pages) $5
Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue Curriculum and Copywork Bundle $12

Don't you just LOVE those low, affordable prices! 

Visit the Character Store to purchase Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue in addition to other character training products and tools written by a variety of popular authors. I am especially interested in Learning to Treasure God's Word: A Study of Psalm 119, Parenting is Heart Work, and Training and Correcting the Heart with Scripture.
I highly recommend this simple and effective character curriculum to private schools, home educators, preschools, day care facilities, Christian summer camps, after school care, and to families wanting a quick and easy morning Bible devotional to use with their young children. This curriculum was easy to implement and add to any daily routine requiring very little time and preparation each day. I was pleased with the material and short lessons. Kathie Morrissey did an fantabulous job creating a complete character training curriculum for younger children between the ages of 4-8.

Social Media and Helpful Links
The Character Corner Facebook Page
Kathie Morrissey on Pinterest
Free Handouts - Check out the Character Handout
Contact Us

Have you entered the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY yet? 

Guess What? I Have More Good News! 

Kathie Morrissey has graciously offered to giveaway one DIGITAL copy of her Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue curriculum and copywork to one of my lucky readers. It could be YOU! This giveaway ends June 4th at midnight. Please allow the Rafflecopter giveaway widget time to load in order to enter the giveaway. Thank you!

I received a complimentary (free) copy of the Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue character training curriculum from the author through the Bow of Bronze Launch and Promotion Team to utilize in exchange for an honest review on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I was also expected to promote the curriculum through social media for the duration of the four-week launch period. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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