Let the Little Children Come sent us the
Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack to review. The company offers a variety of interactive evangelism tools and resources that teach about God's love and share the Gospel with children. The sampler pack contains TEN Gospel tracts and evangelism tools which are suitable for children ages 5-12 years old. The assortment of items are easy to use and effectively teach the profound message of salvation. We received four popular types of evangelism tools including the Pop-up Tracts, FlipAbouts, Animated Tracts, and the Wordless Salvation Bracelets and Book. Our items arrived in a bubble envelope which included an enclosed plastic carrying case or pouch.
What's Included in the Sampler Pack
- Wordless Bracelet Kit
- Silicone Salvation Bracelet
- Wordless Book
- John 3:16 Animated Tract
- Where's Everybody Going? Animated Tract
- The True Story of Christmas Animated Tract
- The Lost Easter Egg Pop-up Tract
- The Most Amazing House Pop-up Tract
- Gospel Buttons FlipAbout
- John 3:16 FlipAbout
Our Experiences
I used the products with my nine-year-old daughter. I wanted an easy way to share the message of salvation with her and I wanted to teach her about God's love. I am also hoping she will use these tools to openly share the Gospel with her friends.
Let me start by telling you about our experiences with the wordless bracelets and book. We received two bracelets and one wordless colored book as seen below.
Silicone Wordless Bracelet
The wordless silicone bracelet is an awesome way to teach and share the Gospel of Salvation to children. It is also known as the Gospel or Wordless Bracelet. We received a medium sized bracelet which is intended for older children and youth. The bracelet fit Alyssa without falling off. Alyssa wore her bracelet on her wrists to church and other locations. People would notice and ask about it. This tool is a neat way to ignite a conversation about salvation. She could easily explain the Gospel message because each color represented a significant piece of the message. The bracelet is available in three sizes: Small (Younger Children), Medium, and Large (Adults).
I think these bracelets would be a wonderful Sunday School welcome gift for children attending. They could also be passed out at any church event or function. For example, these would be great prizes at our church's upcoming fall festival or even at child baptisms. They can be added to goodie bags at a Halloween party or given out to trick or treaters.
The silicone salvation bracelet came with an explanation of what each color symbolizes. Gold represents God love for us and how He wants us to be with Him in Heaven. Black represents our sins and the reason why we can't be with God. Red represents Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. White is the color that stands for the cleansing of sins and our new relationship with God including the fact that we can be with Him in Heaven one day. Green represents our growing relationship with God. We used this rolled up paper explanation for the Wordless Book too.

Wordless Bracelet Kit
I thought this activity was going to be my daughter's favorite, but it wasn't because of the sliding knots. She had a difficult time creating the knots without help. She quickly thread the colored beads on the black cord. She watched the video demonstration and read the written instructions to learn how to create the sliding knots, but she still needed my help. It may be easier just to tie the ends together with one knot.
Wordless Book
I used the rolled up explanation from the silicone wordless bracelet tool with this product. This tool can be used in the same manner as the bracelets. It is a simple way to explore the message of salvation. It is a stapled booklet which consists of five colored pages. Gold, black, red, white and green pages are included. No words are written in the booklet. The booklet can be used with children and new believers. They can tell the message in their own words using the colors as cues.
John 3:16 and Gospel Buttons FlipAbout
This was Alyssa's favorite activity! I highly recommend spending some time familiarizing yourself with this activity before sharing it with your child. We spent several minutes attempting to use the FlipAbout and it became a competition to see who could use it properly first. My daughter was the first one to figure out how to use it. Now that we know how to use it we will use it as intended. I will quickly flip through the Gospel Buttons in hopes to intrigue the children that I share it with. Then, I would share the message of salvation beginning with Heaven. The How To Use instruction sheet provides the user with key points in the form of questions and verses to cover. The directions for this particular activity could use some minor wording clarification.
The top picture shows BOTH of the FlipAbouts we received in our package. These tools required her to fold the FlipAbout back horizontally away from her body and then she needed to turn the FlipAbout to the left 90 degrees counterclockwise. The common problem occurred when we tried to open it as we would a book. You MUST use your right hand to grab the left-side of the FlipAbout to open it. Once you get the hang of it, this activity rocks!
The FlipAbout on the right-hand side only uses brightly colored symbols to share the salvation message with children. The images included are the symbol for heaven in a gold background representing God's home, the white splashed heart with a black background representing sin, a white cross over a red background represents Jesus taking the punishment for our sins, and a white heart with a green background which represents our cleansed hearts.
John 3:16 FlipAbout
Sorry about any blurry images. My daughter was folding and turning too fast for my camera. This FlipAbout utilized both words and colorful images to share the well-known John 3:16 Biblical verse. These tools are extremely fun once you get the hang of them. My suggestion to the company would be to make more of these FlipAbouts to help children memorize relevant Bible verses. It was used in the same manner as the Gospel Buttons FlipAbout.
John 3:16 Animated Tract
My daughter's attention was immediately captured when she opened this tract. It was her first time to utilize an animated tract. The movement of the images definitely caught and maintained her interest. The tract helped her memorize the Bible verse too! A phrase was added with each page until the complete referenced verse was revealed at the end. This tract was one of my personal favorites. The images selected will aid the child in their understanding of the verse. The tract includes circling hearts when stating "For God
LOVED the world so much . . . " It also includes images of a cross, people walking, and an image of what is meant to be Heaven or eternal life.
First, Alyssa read the salvation message on each page and then she created the animations. The concept was simple. She placed the striped plastic acetate sheet over the cover and blurred images. Then, she slide the plastic sheet left to right to make the image move. This process was followed throughout the presentation.
Where's Everybody Going? Animated Tract
This tract contains the same usage directions. However, this is a story about God's Creation. It begins with a question about who made the Earth spin and includes an image of the Earth spinning. My daughter's favorite image was of the dolphin jumping out and back into the moving water. There is also a sweet image of an enlarging heart above a girl and boy when the tract explains that God made us and LOVES us very much. It also includes images of two people fighting, a spinning cross, and people going with God. My daughter didn't like the fighting image. I REALLY wish this tract actually included one image for each Day of Creation.
There was a
How To Use instruction sheet included with this product. It provided the parent or educator with thought-provoking questions that can be tailored to meet the needs of the audience's age group. The directions also provided Biblical verses to sprinkle in your presentation if you feel your children are ready for them. The second time we used this tract I added in the verses and questions to dig a little deeper.
The True Story of Christmas Animated Tract
I did not share the
True Story of Christmas Animated Tract with my daughter yet, because I wanted to use it as a stocking stuffer this year. I absolutely love this tract! The tract begins with a true account of the Christmas story beginning with Mary's visit from the angel Gabriel. There are images of Baby Jesus crawling, their trip to Bethlehem on a donkey, the birth of Jesus in the manger, angels telling the good news to the shepherds, a one of a wise man following the star. The last illustrated page of the story does not need the plastic strip. It ends with a reminder of why we truly celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus and his love for us all. It also references John 3:16. This tool may help children memorize the verse.
This would be a great tool to give to students who participate in or to guests that attend our church Christmas event.
Note: Remember to hold the plastic sheet
horizontally across the images of the animated tracts. At the end of each tract, information about salvation and accepting Jesus Christ in your heart as your Savior is provided. Additionally, a prayer to say sincerely is included.
Pop-up Tracts
Our package included two pop-up booklets: The Lost Easter Egg and the The Most Amazing House. The tracts read like a story in the form of a miniature pop-up book. Basically, Alyssa turned the pages of the book and charming images popped up telling a portion of the story.
The Lost Easter Egg is a story about three friends searching for Easter eggs at the park but one egg is missing. Obviously this book would be best used during Easter time. The children persistently search for the missing egg. They eventually find it beneath a sheep-shaped spring rider which reminds one of the children of The Story of the Lost Sheep as told by Jesus. The pop-up tract reminds readers that Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that they can be forgiven. It also states that he became alive again on the third day and discusses the real reason why we celebrate Easter. I am saving this pop-up for Alyssa's Easter basket this year.
This miniature 3D pop-up book below is titled the The Most Amazing House Pop-up Tract. As you can see by Alyssa's face she enjoys reading it. The images jump out at her and are meaningful to the story. These pop-ups will help non-readers better understand the story if it is being read aloud. The story talks about God's home in Heaven. It explains that God wants you in Heaven with him. The pop-up defines sin. Sin is anything we do that makes God unhappy which includes telling lies, fighting, and stealing. My daughter was reminded that Jesus came to Earth to take the punishment for our sins and that he died on the cross so that our sins can be forgiven. The book ends with an explanation of how your child can get to the amazing house and a prayer. The salvation message is clearly stated. Alyssa prayed to Jesus by first admitting to her sins and asking God for forgiveness. Then, she stated that she believed Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Lastly, she invited Him into her life again.
Overall Thoughts
The colorful sampler tools pack is a fun and engaging way to help children understand God and His Word. Children will quickly understand their salvation in Christ. The message is profound yet clearly stated and explained in the simplest terms for children. I believe these interactive tools are powerful and any child or new believer will benefit from using them. We plan on sharing all of these tools with our church leaders in hopes that we can utilize them in the near future. I love that so many of the products included detailed instructions and prayers.
Some items may require practice to gain familiarity with how the activity works. For example, the FlipAbouts and the double sliding knots which are required for the Wordless Bracelet Kit will take extra time and practice. The written directions for the Wordless Bracelet Kit were easier to follow than the online video demonstration. It was hard to see the knots via the video. Helpful illustrations accompanied the written directions of the more complicated or challenging activities. Some assistance may be needed at first especially with younger children. It is always best to model the activity first as the parent or teacher.
The hands-on component attracts and maintains their attention. The activities, tracts, and booklets are age-appropriate. I really appreciate that instructions are provided for each item. If you misplace any of the directions or if they are missing from the package, you can easily find and download them at their website. I did not receive specific detailed instructions for every item so I visited the website to obtain them. Many activities did not require directions, because they were self-explanatory.
Alyssa's Thoughts
My favorite tools are the FlipAbouts! They were challenging at first, but the more I played with it the easier it became. I also really like all of the the animated tracts. The picture movements fascinated me. However, I didn't like the fighting image in the Where's Everybody Going? animated tract.
If you are wanting to share the Gospel with your children, then the Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack is a product worth checking out. I
highly recommend this sampler pack to churches, pastors, Vacation Bible School program leaders, church camps, prayer groups, Sunday school teachers, children's outreach programs, individuals in children's ministry, and those participating on missionary teams. The items can also be added to Easter baskets or used as stocking stuffers. The tracts and miniature booklets can be used individually, in small groups, or with larger groups. There are so many things you can do with these tools. I offered a few ideas on how to use these tools today, but I am sure you will think of many other useful ways.
The sampler pack costs $11.95 for 1-10 packs, $10.95 for 11-20 packs, and $9.95 for 21 packs or more. The sampler pack includes 10 items in each pack. You can also purchase the products individually in bulk through the online store. Visit the website for pricing plan options. Discounted rates may apply when purchasing larger quantities for specific products. The company offers free standard shipping for all products and orders worldwide.
Note: All prices are subject to change without notice.
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Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack reviews for you to read.