In Our Homeschool This Week . . .
1.) The big news is that Alyssa completed her Math-U-See Beta curriculum. She took her final test today and made a 100%. She was jumping for joy and immediately asked me when I would purchase Math-U-See Gamma. I didn't have the heart to tell her she wouldn't get to start it until after the move. In the meantime, she'll finish up the year using online math programs and supplemental hands-on lessons that I create covering time, money, measurement, multiple-digit subtraction, graphing, and more. Here is a link to my Math-U-See Beta review. The focus for this curriculum was addition and subtraction. She zipped through the material with mastery. Please don't let the focus fool you. She completed some pretty complicated problems in this book. I was simply shocked in a good way. I look forward to our adventures with multiplication next year. She received a certificate with a great big hug and kiss as a reward in addition to lots of high fives and cheers. She also chopped down a Hershey kiss and mommy gave her a zillion kisses congratulating her on her accomplishments. Many thanks to the Schoolhouse Review Crew leaders and Math-U-See for allowing us to review this curriculum!

The certificate says to thank your teacher. Alyssa left me this note on the AAS board. I love you baby girl! |
2.) We are traveling to Kerrville tomorrow to visit Jeff's grandmother in the hospital. We are surprising her with a visit and we would like to check on her health. She broke her femur after a recent fall and we want to know that she is okay. By the way . . . Happy Mother's Day to all my blogging mommy friends! I won't be online tomorrow, but I wanted you all to have a special shout out! I hope your day is full of joyful family moments. Be sure to check out the video below created by Sally Clarkson at I Take Joy. I was moved by the video and felt I should share the link. We also visited our friends last night. They made us a wonderful dinner and provided us with some much needed relaxation and fun for an evening. Thank you for being there as always!
3.) I packed several boxes this week, loaded the vehicle, and took them to the house to unload. It was soooo hot outside. I was sweating all over the place. I am going to dye this summer if this is any indication of summer weather. However, my visit was "perfect" timing because I was able to see the house again. So much progress - the rock fireplace was done! My husband will add a wet look sealer to the rock, which will make the rocks stand out even more. We ended up adding the five "FREE" sparkly rocks to the fireplace. You can't really see them in the photo, but you can in person. I LOVE how it turned out! Eventually, we'll have a television and couch for them room. LOL! For now, we will take baby steps toward the goal.
We both noticed that the stained concrete floor was ruined after all of the work inside so we are discussing ways to hopefully fix it before we move our belongings to the house.
Oh . . . I forgot to add the photo of the guest bathroom shower tile work Jeff completed. Check out last weeks Random Five on Friday post to see the other two bathrooms. I think my hubby's work looks AWESOME! He did a wonderful job! What do you think? The walls in this room are also painted green. We might eventually repaint it, but for now the focus is to finish so that we can close at the end of the month.
4.) I cooked my first frittata ever! It actually turned out and was delicious. The recipe was from a product I am reviewing called Simplified Dinners by Simplified Pantry. I don't want to give too much away so I will only share a photo of a meal. Be sure to visit my blog towards the end of May to read my review. Menu planning has definitely CHANGED and helped our lives during the moving process.
5.) I won several amazing giveaways the last two weeks. The items are truly blessings in my home and homeschool. I can't tell you how thankful I am to receive these resources. This was one of my favorite things this week. I received several items via e-mail and recently several a few from my post carrier. I know that I am extremely blessed! Here are a few things we won:
- My Audio School One-Year Subscription
- Reptile and Amphibian Unit Study and Lapbook (AJTL)
- A Journey Through Learning ($15) via Twitter Party - Purchased American History Curriculum
- The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions by Homeschool Adventure
- The Husband Project by Kathi Lipp
- A Christian Mama's Guide to the Elementary School Years by Erin MacPherson
- TruthQuest Pioneer Days Freebie (No Longer Available as FREE Product)
- "Meet Jesus" Free Bible Study as part of the Hello Mornings Challenge (Registration Ended)
Something I Have My Eyes On . . .
Hopefully, I will get a new pair of black flip flops soon before I break my neck. The bottoms are falling apart and keep folding back as I walk. I trip ALL day and my feel hurt. Seriously, my feet REALLY hurt. I hope I don't have to wear sneakers and socks all summer in the Texas heat. They are pretty worn out as seen in the photos below - I am not sure how much longer they will last.
I will link this post up at Random 5 on Friday hosted by Miranda at The Pebble Pond. Please join the fun and link up your random five thoughts, facts, or occurrences. I will also link this post at The Homeschool Mother's Journal at iHomeschool Network and Weekly Wrap-Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Thank you for visiting A Learning Journey. I love hearing from my readers, so please feel free to leave a comment so I can visit your blog. God bless!
Congratulations on completing the math curriculum! And on the new house! It looks lovely.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Happy Mother's Day! Then let me tell you that your new house is so pretty! Love the green bathroom, my tiny guest bath is about that color green, and I love that color.
ReplyDeleteIf you are not ready to buy your new math u see module yet, maybe let your daughter work some summer work at Time4Learning ( We use it for our core work, but a lot of people use it for summer bridge type work. You can choose the grade, and the lessons that work best for your daughter.
Finally, get some new flip flops before you fall and break your neck :)!
Nichole, Thank you! Alyssa's smile says it all. We are counting down the days until move in date.
ReplyDeleteLinda, Happy Mother's Day (late)! Appreciate the kind words about the house. Green is my favorite color. I don't think we can afford Time 4 Learning at this time. Most of our budget is being used by bills and house projects right now. My luck she would love it and then we wouldn't be able to continue after summer. Thank you sooo much for the suggestion. I have always been interested in Time 4 Learning. One of her online programs we use in conjunction with her math curricula is actually a full year program that she needs to finish so we'll just focus on completing that grade level. Luckily and thankfully, my husband and daughter bought me a new pair of flip flops for Mother's Day yesterday. My hubby immediately trashed the other ones. He said that he couldn't stand seeing me trip all the time and knew that I would get hurt if I continued to wear them. My daughter insisted on purchasing them, because she has been a witness to the almost tragic events. The new ones are extremely comfortable!!! I laughed when I read your comment. I didn't think anyone would see my little note. Have a great day!
Thank you for commenting ladies!!!
Love the house. It looks beautiful! Your daughters smile is beautiful too! :)