I wanted to let you know that the leaders of the Homeschool Review Crew are NOW accepting applications
for the 2017 school year.
Our school year has truly been blessed this year - thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew. This is a fantastic team of homeschool review bloggers. If I am considering a new curricula for my daughter, I always turn to the Homeschool Review Crew to read their well-written reviews before making a purchase. I read several for each product so that I can hear about the experiences from more than one person.
Every year I anxiously wait to find out if I made the Homeschool Review Crew team. I've been on it since July 2012. I took one year off during a very tough time period in my life and was thrilled when my application was accepted again the following year.
I always have an important discussion with my daughter every October or November about her opinion regarding joining the Crew since her active participation is a must. We don't talk long, because she always wants me to reapply. She knows that we need to use the products for at least 6-8 weeks in order for me to write a thorough review. We both make the commitment. She LOVES the products! We also look forward to receiving new and exciting products in the mail.
The crew was offered a whopping 74 review products during the 2016 year. We reviewed more than just homeschool curriculum. This year we were offered books, games, apps, and homemaker helps. I wrote detailed reviews for 22 of the products.
I am a single work-at-home homeschool mom so the FREE homeschool products were definitely a blessing to our homeschool since our budget is super tight now. Normally, I'm afraid to try a new product, because of cost and not knowing whether or not it'll work for my daughter's needs, interests, and abilities. The crew allows us the chance to try new curricula without having to make a purchase or waste money on curricula that doesn't fit her needs.
Being Part of the Homeschool Review Crew Means . . .
- We review high-quality physical and online products.
- New homeschool curricula provides variety throughout the week. We get to cover subjects we don't always get to address such as Art, Music, and Health. Variety also adds more fun to the routine and learning process.
- We save money on curricula costs and have the opportunity to try new products we couldn't usually afford.
- The private forum provides us with social media tutorials. These tutorials help me develop into a stronger and better blogger. The leaders consistently encourage us to improve our blog writing skills. We also have opportunities to grow with blog carnivals and guest posts.
- The crew members communicate through the forum which provides me with friendship, encouragement, advice, support, and prayer warriors. We can learn from each other because we all hold different beliefs and utilize different teaching methods. The members are an invaluable piece of my homeschool support team.
- Sharing blog reviews increases traffic on my blog.
- I found a place which gives me a sense of belonging.
- My hope is that my reviews help other homeschool families learn more about specific curricula products. Review products help me learn about my daughter's learning style and my reviews often explain what type of learner would benefit from using the product. I love writing helpful reviews that offer my blog readers an honest opinion about our experiences. It's like a second job to me which I take very seriously.
- Heirloom Audio Productions: The Dragon and the Raven and The Cat of Bubastes
- MaxGuru from MaxScholar
- Heroes of History - Harriet Tubman from YWAM Publishing
- WAY Comes Home Kit from Homeschool Scholastics
- Language Smarts Level E (Review Coming in November)
I believe that ALL of the products we reviewed have blessed our family and homeschool. Here is a list of a few this year that have had a huge impact on our school year. We are STILL using all of these products even though the review period is over.
- Here to Help Learning
- Third Grade Literature Guide Set from Memoria Press
- Introductory Science from Science Shepherd
- Art Achieve (Level 2)
- Music Appreciation Book 1 from Zeezok Publishing LLC
- VeritasBible.com from Veritas Press
- MyFreezEasy (Annual Freezer Meal Plan Membership)
- Middlebury Interactive Languages Elementary Spanish Grades 3-5 (Review Next Week)
If you are interested in being part of the Homeschool Review Crew team, then PLEASE Click on the graphic below to fill out an application. Please let them know Tracey M. sent you!
Read the Crew Requirements before applying and then Submit the Application. We also have a mentoring program for new members. :) They'll contact you if you make the team. I hope they'll ask me to return another year.

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